"Metropolis" - centerspread from the original 1927 French Pressbook

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Halloween is coming up! It’s time to select your favorite fright films. We are studying film genres this term and horror is one of our stopping-off points. List the movies that scare you the most. If you are a real fan, you can put down your Top Ten. Photos and clips are welcome. We might even watch a full length feature in class before the fateful night itself.


  1. Ugh! I finally figured out how to type something on this page...Literally have been trying for days. Not sure this is where I am supposed to post, but it's the only thing that worked...I think I will need a blog tutorial...
    Anyway, I can't remember seeing any horror films. I think I saw the Exorcist and Carrie when I was young, but don't think I made it through the whole movie of either of them and don't like the idea of having to watch horror films. I do recall seeing "Angel Heart" - that was pretty scary and horrific, but it is probably not actually considered a horror film.

  2. I can't handle horror unfortunately. I think the last one I saw was The Exorcist back in high school with my best friend.
    I plan to be watching X-Files though throughout this month when I have time. That's about as scary as I can handle.
