"Metropolis" - centerspread from the original 1927 French Pressbook

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baz Lurhmann by Kristopher Torres

(I tried to post this on Monday and it kept giving me a message saying that it couldn't post because of MET HTML)

Baz Lurhmann is an actor, writer but most importantly a great storyteller. He has directed only four movies but has created a unique style of his own. The movies he has directed are Strictly Ballroom, Moulin Rouge, Romeo and Juliet and his most recent Australia. Baz does more than directs his films, first off he writes the story and the screenplay but secondly, he also has his fingers in every part of the film, such as the music and cinematography.

What is unique about his style is he presents his movies as if he were telling a story, usually involving a narrator. When telling the story he usually gives away the ending of the story in the beginning to give the viewers the urge to watch how the story gets there. His stories sometimes have a hidden social commentary on something such as war or racism. Also, his pursuit of storytelling is very similar to a theatrical experience, which includes clothes that are exaggerated and are somewhat like costumes instead of clothing. There is actually a descriptive phrase used by Baz Luhrmann himself that describes his style, "Red Curtain."

In my opinion, the two movies that show more of his style would be Moulin Rouge and Romeo and Juliet because they have a more theatrical feel to them. Parts of Moulin Rouge was placed on a stage because the story took place in a theater but in Romeo and Juliet some scenes took place on a beach that had a structure that looked like a theater's stage. Another reason Baz Lurhmann’s films seem theatrical are the performances are exaggerated and, in the case of Romeo and Juliet, have a twist to the story. In Romeo and Juliet the story is taken place in what seems like a present day city and instead of having swords, the characters have guns. Also, in both movies the wardrobe is amazingly over the top and sometimes unnecessarily but it created a different and entertaining experience.

I think it is important for a director or writer to find their own specific style in storytelling in order to be successful. Whether the director’s style is camera techniques or cinematography, it should get the viewers attention. As I wrote earlier, he has only made four films but is already widely known.

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